UserLock Documentation
UserLock Documentation

UserLock Frequently Asked Questions

How many UserLock licenses do I need?

UserLock is licensed by the number of active users in the last 30 days. An ‘active user’ is any user that connects to the machines (or a server direct) that you choose to audit and protect with the UserLock micro-agent.

Once an agent is deployed, all logon connections to that machine, from any user, are detected and audited in UserLock and will count towards the license. You can choose to deploy agents (manually or automatically) to audit and protect different session types (workstation, server, RDP, IIS, Wi-Fi, and VPN sessions).

For IIS applications, when you deploy the IIS agent and configure the modules, each domain user who accesses the protected application will consume a license. This will not be limited to only users with a protected account.

For VPN and Wifi sessions, all users who connect to the network via the VPN or Wifi configured with UserLock will consume a license.  This will not be limited to only users with a protected account.

If you already have UserLock installed and agents deployed, you can see which users are consuming a license by launching the diagnostic tool. To do this, press F12 in the UserLock console, and open the file LicUsrs.csv.

Here you will see the Active Directory accounts counted in the license with the date and time of their last activity.

If you have email notifications configured in UserLock, you will receive an email when you reach 95% of the license consumption. UserLock will not protect users exceeding the license count.  If you receive an error message for “Insufficient Licenses” please contact our sales team to upgrade your subscription.