Terminal server
This specific section, 'Terminal server', is only available when the UserLock server role is defined as 'Standalone terminal server'. You can use this section to customize application behaviors specific to this role.
- Do not display errors to the user: Enabled
by default.
Enabling this option hides from users potential error messages generated when a communication issue occurs between the agent and the UserLock server (network issue, server issue, etc.) at user logon or logoff. - Ignore
connections refused by Windows: Disabled by default.
'Desktop' agents detect all logons refused by Windows (when the 'Microsoft Logon events' audit is enabled) and notifies them to the UserLock servers. Check this box if you want to disable this feature. - Do not restrict logons on the console: Disabled by default.
Check this box if you don't want to monitor and restrict the local console of your terminal servers. - Consider screen saver time as locked time:
Disabled by default.
When this option is selected and the screen saver is password protected, UserLock will consider the session as locked at screen saver start-up. This option allows you to get a more efficient result when generating reports using the 'Sub session' option and when setting actions to perform on idle sessions. - Try
to join any existing session on the server: Defined as 'Always'
by default.
'Always' means that UserLock will always try to join an existing terminal session for the user credential opening it. If an existing terminal session is already open from another workstation, then it will be disconnected on that machine and then joined to from the new workstation from which the user is asking to connect.
'Never' means that all requests for new terminal sessions will actually create new terminal sessions without trying to join potential existing terminal sessions, whether they are disconnected or active.
'If the new session is not allowed' means that UserLock will join an existing terminal session for the user requesting a terminal session only when they would have reached the limit defined for their account in the 'protected account' rules they depend on.