UserLock Documentation
UserLock Documentation

UserLock Frequently Asked Questions

How can I deploy the UserLock agent on a Windows Server Core before UserLock 12.2?

With UserLock 12.2 or newer, the procedure is available here. From UserLock 12 to 12.1 follow the steps below. With UserLock 11.2 or older, we advise to upgrade UserLock otherwise please contact us to have specific instructions.

Note: in a Windows Server Core 2019, it will be needed to install the App Compatibility feature since agents 11.0.
Please, follow the procedure in the section “Installing the App Compatibility FOD”
After that you should be able to deploy the agent as usual. And the agent service should be able to start.

To install UserLock desktop agent in a Windows Server Core:

Copy from the Primary UserLock server the file '%ProgramFiles(x86)%\ISDecisions\UserLock\UlAgentExe_ServerCore.exe' (by default 'C:\Program Files (x86)\ISDecisions\UserLock\UlAgentExe_ServerCore.exe') to '%windir%\SysWOW64\UlAgentExe.exe' (by default 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\UlAgentExe.exe') on the target computer (\\SERVERCORE\c$\Windows\SysWow64\UlAgentExe.exe).

Run the following command lines on the target computer:

ULAgentExe.exe /SERVICE S
net start UlAgentService

Uninstall UserLock agent

To uninstall, follow the same procedure as for uninstalling the standard desktop agent.