UserLock Documentation
UserLock Documentation
You are here: Reference > Agents > NPS agent > NPS agent manual installation

NPS agent manual installation

The UserLock 'NPS agent' can be installed manually through the UserLock console. However, you can also deploy it manually through the following procedure:

  1. 32-bit NPS server
    Copy the file ULIasAgent.dll from the UserLock server installation folder to the NPS server system32 folder.
    64-bit NPS server
    Copy the file ULIasAgent_x64.dll from the UserLock server installation folder to the NPS server system32 folder and rename it as ULIasAgent.dll.
  2. Register the agent with the following command line (run as administrator):
    regsvr32 C:\Windows\System32\ULIasAgent.dll
  3. Register communication settings with the following registry values to allow the agent to find UserLock servers:
    - UserLockServer (REG_SZ) with the name of the Primary server.
    - UserLockServerBackup (REG_SZ) with the name of the Backup server.
  4. Complete the installation of the NPS Agent following the NPS Agent completing installation procedure.

You can also uninstall the 'NPS agent' manually:

  1. Unregister the agent with the following command line (run as administrator):
    regsvr32 /u C:\Windows\System32\ULIasAgent.dll
    Once done the agent is disabled but is still loaded.
  2. Complete the uninstallation of the NPS Agent following the NPS Agent completing installation procedure.