Windows Installer package
You can deploy the 'Desktop' agent through a third-party deployment solution or using Microsoft Group Policies. We provide MSI packages of the 'Desktop' agent for this purpose:
- For 64-bit target operating systems: %ProgramFiles(x86)%\ISDecisions\UserLock\UlAgent_x64.msi.
- For 32-bit target operating systems: %ProgramFiles(x86)%\ISDecisions\UserLock\UlAgent_x86.msi.
Install the 64-bit package on a 64-bit operating system and 32-bit on a 32-bit operating system. Note that you must run cmd with the "Run as Administrator" option.
By default, communication settings are not configured. You need to specify some MSI properties for the MSI package except if you deploy the communication settings with the UserLock 'Administration template' through Microsoft Group Policies.
Command line example to install the MSI package silently or to upgrade old version agents previously installed using the Windows console (on a 64-bit operating system):
msiexec /i ULAgent_x64.msi /qn USERLOCKSERVER=YourUserLockServerName
USERLOCKSERVERBACKUP=YourUserLockBackupServerName REBOOT=ReallySuppress
Command line example to upgrade an old agent version which was previously installed using an MSI package (on a 64-bit operating system):
/i ULAgent_x64.msi /qn USERLOCKSERVER=YourUserLockServerName USERLOCKSERVERBACKUP=YourUserLockBackupServerName
Command line example to silently install the MSI package or update older versions of agent previously deployed using the Windows console and specifying UserLock server names and configuring desktop agent with unlock and reconnection protection and "Ask for MFA" for "Logons without network connection" (on a 64-bit operating system):
msiexec /i ULAgent_x64.msi /qn USERLOCKSERVER=YourUserLockServerName USERLOCKSERVERBACKUP=YourUserLockBackupServerName USERLOCKCFG=YourNeededCfgNumber REBOOT=ReallySuppress
Replace "YourNeededCfgNumber" with a number including all the options you want to configure in the Desktop UserLock agent:
- 0x0001 If enabled, protect the terminal server console (for Windows Server 2003 / 2003R2 only).
- 0x0002 If enabled, displays errors to end users.
- 0x000C (12: 0x0004 (4) + 0x0008 (8)) TSJoinMode bits (for Windows Server 2003 / 2003R2 only). Try to join any existing session on the server:
- Both bits disabled: Always.
- 0x0008 disabled and 0x0004 enabled: If the new session is not allowed.
- 0x0008 enabled and 0x0004 disabled: Never.
- 0x0010 (16) If enabled, prevents the Desktop Agent from sending logons denied by Active Directory.
- 0x0020 (32) If enabled, lock session event sent on screen saver startup.
- 0x0040 (64) If enabled, prevent from removing ghost sessions if any on the localhost computer.
- 0x0180 (384: 0x0080 (128) + 0x0100 (256)) Logons without network connection bits:
- Both bits disabled: Always allow connections.
- 0x0080 disabled and 0x0100 enabled: Ask for MFA.
- Both bits enabled: Force MFA.
- 0x0080 enabled and 0x0100 disabled: Always deny connections.
- 0x0200 (512) If enabled, all restrictions - including MFA - will be applied when unlocking or reconnecting to a session.
- 0x0800 (2048) If enabled, UserLock Anywhere is the only technology used by the Desktop Agent to communicate with UserLock servers.
- 0x1000 (4096) If enabled, UserLock credential provider is enabled.
Example value for "YourNeededCfgNumber": 4864 (= 0x1300):
- All restrictions - including MFA - will be applied when unlocking or reconnecting to a session.
- "Ask for MFA" for "Logons without network connection".
- UserLock credential provider is enabled.
To uninstall the MSI package silently (on a 64-bit operating system):
msiexec /x ULAgent_x64.msi /qn REBOOT=ReallySuppress
Please note
- Without specifying these communication parameters, agents can't use localized UserLock servers.
The command
avoid any reboot which is required for agent operations performed on Windows 2003 Server and XP systems.