UserLock Documentation
UserLock Documentation
You are here: Reference > Console > Web application > Monitoring


The "Access Monitoring" section allows you to see in real time the active sessions on the network monitored by UserLock, as well as the various MFA help requests in progress.

You can access this section by clicking on the application menu icon Access Monitoring icon

The submenu allows you to navigate through the different pages of the section, and displays statistics on open sessions, connected users and machines used.

Active Sessions

The active sessions page allows you to view all open or locked sessions on the network at the time the page is displayed. The data is sorted in chronological order by default.

For each session, you will see by default:

  • The user name
  • The type of session
  • The status of the session
  • The machine (client and remote)
  • The date of connection

Other columns can be displayed, and the table can be filtered and sorted on all columns.

For each session, you can perform the following actions:

  • Logoff
  • Lock
  • Reset
  • Send pop up

You can apply these actions to multiple sessions at once by checking the boxes next to the user's name.

Connected users

The connected users page allows you to have a comprehensive view of the sessions in progress, including the total of active sessions per user.

For each user, you will see by default :

  • The name of the user
  • The number of active sessions
  • The date and machine of the last connection
  • The date and machine of the last disconnection
  • The status of the user

Other columns can be displayed, and the table can be filtered and sorted on all columns.

You will also be able to perform actions on users (blocking the user, managing MFA Help Requests).

Machines in use

The used machines page allows you to have a more synthetic view of the sessions in progress, by having the total of active sessions per machine.

For each machine, you will see by default :

  • The name and IP address of the machine
  • The number of sessions
  • The date of the last connection on the machine
  • The name of the last user who logged on
  • The organizational unit of the machine

Other columns can be displayed, and the table can be filtered and sorted by all columns.

You can also perform actions on machines (restart, shut down, wake up, and Remote Desktop).

MFA Help Requests

This option can be enabled in the server's MFA settings to give users access to a "Help Request" button in any MFA windows if they are having trouble authenticating. When a user clicks on this button, their help request will appear on this page.

For each request, you can choose to :

  • Temporarily disable MFA for the user for a specified time frame, allowing them to access the network while they recover their authentication method
  • Reset the user's MFA configuration, so that they can re-enroll to register a new authentication method
  • Mark the help request as resolved, if you have found another way to help the user.

Before doing any of these things, make sure that the user who made the request is the right person, and that it is not an attempt at impersonation.

You will also see a colored dot in the navigation menu if there are any pending requests for help.

Help Request Help Request