Turkish Aerospace Industries manages Active Directory user access across large, complex network
- Turkish Aerospace Industries, Inc. (TAI)
- Aerospace
- Turkey
Turkish Aerospace Industries, Inc. (TAI) is Turkey’s center of technology in design, development, modernization, manufacturing, integration and life cycle support of integrated aerospace systems, from fixed and rotary wing air platforms to unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) systems and space systems.
Located in Ankara, Turkey, on a 5 million square meter area, the state-of-the-art, Factory 40 industrial facility holds high-tech machinery and equipment that enables design, development, modernization and system integration with extensive manufacturing capabilities ranging from parts manufacturing to aircraft assembly, flight tests and delivery. It's a reliable solution provider to both military and commercial customers.
"UserLock is ideal in meeting our compliance and security requirements. The implementation was really easy and it is such a reliable product. We also share some of the benefits of UserLock with our partners and other stakeholders."
Gülsen Bayramusta
Managed centrally, the TAI IT infrastructure includes many clients, users, servers, terabytes of data, several external devices, and applications. Like other aerospace organizations, TAI has to meet many legal, regulatory, and compliance requirements including NATO Security Directives, security regulations required by contract, international standards, and internal security directives.
IT security is paramount, and TAI has maintained the ISO/IEC 27001:2013 IT Security Management certification for all business processes for 10 years. In addition, the IT department has also been accredited with ISO/IEC 2000-1:2011 IT Service Management certification.
TAI’s information security policy is to provide access to authorized employees to help protect the network and its information from possible threats. Security consciousness is also key, and IT helps all employees to understand potential network threats.
There are several users who require different levels of security to logon to the network and the IT team needed a solution that will help them manage network access across all users. Previously, the IT team used CConnect but it was inadequate in meeting the necessary security protocols.
The main security goal was to be able to restrict users from logging onto more than one computer in the network at the same time.
In 2005, the IT team researched the market to find a solution that would meet all its security requirements and discovered UserLock by IS Decisions through a Google search. The IT manager shared that UserLock stood out amongst the other solutions available as it was easy to use and had much better features compared to the software the team had been using. The IT manager made the decision to purchase UserLock from SoftwareShelf and has renewed its licence ever since to the point where it currently subscribes to 13,000 licences.
The setup was simple. Once the server was set up, it was configured to meet the department’s security needs. The main setup took only a couple of hours but the “agent distribution” took a few days. The UserLock desktop agent allows the team to define and enforce user sessions policies and this agent can be deployed to every user.
The overall objective was to improve the effectiveness and performance of the IT security service to the organisation. It was important for the IT team to be able to manage user sessions in the network and UserLock helps ensure that users have the right access to the network and restricts logons accordingly.
The implementation of UserLock ensures that TAI meets compliance with Turkish law, regulations and international security standards.
"UserLock is ideal in meeting our compliance and security requirements. Embracing IT-as-a-Service enables a cost-optimised and centralised IT department that is manageable, secure, flexible and high quality. The implementation was really easy and it is such a reliable product. We also share some of the benefits of UserLock with our partners and other stakeholders."
Gülsen Bayramusta - Responsable informatique sénior
Turkish Aerospace Industries, Inc. first deployed UserLock in 2005 and currently subscribes to 13,000 licences.