Simplify Windows file auditing logs
Windows file server auditing is easy with FileAudit. Real-time access monitoring, alerts & response and reporting help protect sensitive data.
Published May 20, 2020)
FileAudit is an intuitive tool that simplifies native Windows file auditing log. With a simple agentless deployment, FileAudit enables IT professionals to proactively monitor access to company-sensitive files and folders stored on Windows systems in real time.
FileAudit goes further than just logs and information. It protects data, across the whole organization, with real-time alerts and the opportunity to immediately react with an automated response. It allows you to secure your organization against improper access, potential theft, alteration or the deletion of sensitive files and folders.
FileAudit optimizes the NTFS audit on folder and files and presents it in a useable format to find answers you need from audited access events. By reducing the amount of generated events by 80%, FileAudit keeps only relevant events (approx. 30%) for inclusion in its centralized database. During this process no useful information is lost, only meaningless events are discarded.

FileAudit’s predefined reports are ready-made reports that help you get the information that you seek faster. It enables organizations to quickly and easily identify security risks.

Unlike native Windows auditing which consumes significant resources on the file servers, FileAudit collects information without impacting space, thus avoiding any performance problems.
With a simple, agent-less deployment, IT Managers can quickly install FileAudit and instantly secure access to all File Servers in their Windows environment. Users can be up and running with FileAudit, monitoring, archiving and reporting on file access in less than three minutes.
FileAudit goes even further with real-time alerts to predetermined events, such as file deletions, denied access or suspicious user activity, which automatically triggers an email to selected recipients.
The alerts enable IT managers to see what’s happening with the organization’s data and quickly identify suspicious access — significantly reducing the risk of internal threats.

In addition to real-time monitoring and alerts, FileAudit can take immediate action to an alert.
A customized script can be created and run whenever a specific alert is triggered. You can automatically shut down a machine or logoff the user for example. This allows you to act on potential threats before any damage is done.
Because FileAudit is so easy and intuitive, even non-IT executives and external auditors can use FileAudit securely and autonomously without breaching security protocols. Monitoring can be delegated to managers, who hold a better understanding of files and data across their business line. This allows a better file auditing and a reduction in IT team’s workload.
You can create specific accounts for people without administrative rights. Define which FileAudit features you want to make available to them.