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Data security
- Data security
How securing Active Directory can prevent ransomware
Learn how securing your Active Directory can lower the risk of ransomware attacks.
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Think twice before sending users’ digital identities to the cloud
A common-sense approach to keeping your user credentials safe and minimizing your attack surface.
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Data leakage prevention: Common causes & how to prevent it
Learn about common causes of data leaks and data leakage prevention. Here's how to protect your data and avoid costly breaches.
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Spot issues quicker with improved NTFS permissions reporting
Get enhanced visibility on NTFS permissions and permission changes with FileAudit.
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Master your data lifecycle to improve data security
How can data lifecycle management improve data security? Learn how mastering your data process helps identify potential risks.
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Hybrid cloud storage protection for MSPs
Data protection starts with file access auditing. Here's what MSPs can gain by prioritizing clients' data security.
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Understanding what happens after ransomware helps MSPs protect against it
MSPs have an important role to play to help protect against ransomware. By better understanding what happens after ransomware attacks, MSPs can help clients guard against them.
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Simplify Windows file auditing logs
Windows file server auditing is easy with FileAudit. Real-time access monitoring, alerts & response and reporting help protect sensitive data.
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How to see who last accessed or modified your Windows files
Need to find out who last accessed or modified your Windows Files? Get the exact date and time of that last access, and set up alerts on suspicious behaviors.
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Cloud storage security issues report: Under a cloud of suspicion
How SMBs perceive the security of cloud storage and what they're doing to protect their data in the cloud.
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An easier way to monitor file changes on your Windows servers
Monitor and track file changes on your Windows servers in real time with FileAudit. Get alerted on changes to your most sensitive files.
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How to simplify Windows server file and folder access auditing
Windows file server auditing can be tedious at best. Here's how FileAudit makes it easier with real-time access monitoring, alerts, and responses.
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Cloud audit logs: Track and report on file access in the cloud
Here’s what to expect when auditing file access in the cloud, how moving files to the cloud impacts auditing, and how cloud audit logs help you track file access across on-premise and cloud environments.
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How to improve Windows file share auditing
Windows file share auditing helps organizations secure their sensitive files and folders. Here's how to get started with file share auditing and best practices to follow.
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User delegation: The secret to improving file security
Why delegating auditing to company executives outside of IT makes for more accurate and secure results.
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How to detect a data breach
The challenge with data breaches isn’t to stop them, but to know they ever happened at all. Help detect data breaches through better access monitoring.
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File monitoring: A data breach detection & prevention tool
Your file system is either a target or an asset for malicious activity. That’s what makes security at file access, and a data breach detection and prevention tool, so important. Put file monitoring in place, and you’ll be in a better position to identify bad actors and stop a data breach.
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What does a data compromise look like?
A data compromise often shows up as strange user activity. Here's how to define a data breach and how, with the right tools, IT teams can spot and stop breaches early.
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How to detect ransomware with FileAudit
Detecting massive file encryption on a file server is a key way to protect against ransomware attacks. Here's how FileAudit's mass access alerts do just that.
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How to track file access in Windows: A case study
Discover how to track file access on your Windows servers using FileAudit, and read how a leading U.S. biotech company uses it as a file access tracking solution.
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Monitor file access on Windows servers the easy way
There's an easier way to audit & monitor Windows file access and determine who did what, when and from where.