How to quickly install your file system auditing software

FileAudit secures access to sensitive files and folders in an organization. This tutorial shows how to install your file system auditing software in less than 3 minutes.


Hi everyone, Welcome to the FileAudit Tutorial. With this video we’re going to run through how to install and configure FileAudit.

List of OS

The first thing to cover is what are the requirements. FileAudit can be installed on any Windows machine from Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 right up to the most recent versions. It only requires the .Net Framework 4.

List of database name

To store all collected events, FileAudit requires the use of a database. It can be a Microsoft Access File, Microsoft SQL Server or Microsoft SQL Express. To make things easy during the evaluation process we include an access database for you.

Website and download page

So let's download the FileAudit software. You can find it on the ISDecisions website. Go to the FileAudit page and click on “Download”. It will only take a couple of minutes.

Audit system requirement

Once you have downloaded the software, the next step is to choose the machine which will host FileAudit. There is no mandatory requirement to install FileAudit on the system that is to be audited. Any machine meeting the requirements can be used as a remote host for FileAudit. The server we then remotely audit requires no further installation. Now let's install FileAudit on a Windows 8 workstation to audit remotely some Windows 2012 file servers.

Preparing to install

To launch the installation process, run the FileAudit package with an administrator account. Choose you language preference and click “OK”.

Welcome to the Wizard

The installation wizard will open to guide you through the process. Click “Next” to begin.

License Agreement

Read the End User License Agreement. To continue, accept it and click on “Next”.

Customer Information

Enter you customer information. You may skip this step if you want.

Destination Folder

Here you can choose to change the default installation folder. For this example we will keep the default option.

Setup Type

There are two installation modes: “Complete” which installs all FileAudit components and “Custom” which lets you choose which components will be installed. Let's keep “Complete” selected. We will run through the custom mode on another tutorial.

Ready to install

Three components are now ready to be installed: The FileAudit Windows service which is the audit engine, the console to manage the service and display the audit, and the software documentations.

Wizard Completed

Click on “Finish” to close the wizard and open the FileAudit console. Opening the FileAudit console reveals a Windows 8 like tile-based look. Let's see on the next video more about the basic settings.