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The Insider Threat Security Manifesto Beating the threat from within

Network management capabilities

Looking at the more specific details of what IT professionals are able to do with regards to network management, we made some interesting findings. On average, the majority (70%) of IT professionals believe that their network management solution allows them to manage concurrent users. This is the case even for larger organisations, which we know overwhelmingly use Active Directory, with which it is not possible.

This trend was repeated for other capabilities, such as setting session time outs and monitoring sessions in real-time. This begs the question of how accurate IT professionals’ own perception of their network management ability is, given we know that the majority of large organisations are using Active Directory, on which these granular levels of user access control are not possible or at least very difficult to deploy.

This tallies with the fact that the majority of IT professionals are either unaware of Active Directory’s security loopholes, or if they are aware they don’t know what those loopholes are.


Active Directory provides basic security, but it is important to build on that with real time monitoring and further restrictions to what users can do once authenticated

What does your current network management solution allow you to do?

<50Employees 51 - 250Employees 251 - 500Employees 501 - 10,000Employees 10,000 +Employees
Manage concurrent users 64% 73% 86% 88% 91%
Prevent logins on multiple workstations 48% 67% 52% 53% 68%
Define specific times for user access per person 29% 60% 48% 51% 62%
Define specific times for user access per group 24% 57% 52% 47% 56%
Set ‘sessions’ so users are timed out 38% 70% 72% 75% 82%
Monitor real-time sessions 38% 63% 69% 75% 82%